"May 2017 bring healing and unite us in a common vision for our world. "
This is just one of countless smarmy comments that writer has made over the past 16 months. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't advocate sowing terror and misery. But the moronic rosy-lensed misperception that a common vision is possible for humanity short of a total reformatting of the race (and the planet) is sheer lunacy.
How're you going to achieve a "common vision" for people who believe, variously, Mohammed, Christ, Krishna, Marx and sundry other "prophets"? How will there ever be peace in a nation where one side thinks that the various putrid behaviors of perversion should be foisted on even kindergartners, while the other side is appalled, and rightly seeks to protect youngsters from any and all intellectual and moral carrion?
Truth divides.