Found this @ CBS News (re George Michael's death):
“Very few things cause healthy people to die suddenly. I suspect he may have had a serious underlying health issue that led to his acute heart issue,” said Bensimhon [medical director of the Advanced Heart Failure & Mechanical Circulatory Support Program at Cone Health System in Greensboro, North Carolina], who also had no involvement in Michael’s case.
“People don’t typically die suddenly from heart failure. Progressive heart failure is a slow, insidious process through which people are very symptomatic with shortness of breath, weakness and swelling,” Bensimhon explained. “That said, people with weak hearts which cause heart failure are predisposed to dangerous heart rhythms which can kill them suddenly and that is why we place implantable defibrillators (ICDs) in these patients. I suspect the announcement that he died from heart failure is not the complete story.”
His former "lover" died of AIDs-related complications.
AIDS makes heart disease more likely...