Sunday, August 30, 2015

Speaking of Which

"Inside the hidden train – of whose existence I am convinced – there could be dangerous materials from the time of the Second World War."  This is a Polish guy named Zuchowski, commenting on some ostensible Nazi booty train hidden in Poland.

Now, in my last post, we touched on people who think they're neither male nor female (perhaps eons ago, somewhere in the annals of Darwinianism, there even was such a thing as a neuter humanoid creature---a glorified hermaphrodite, perhaps {snort}).  It seems that in the same way energy doesn't get lost but simply transmogrifies, gender also can not just merely evaporate:  it transfers to objects.  In the new (alchemistic?) economy of things, trains can now be human.  This type of anthropomorphizing surpasses even the wildest Frankensteinian dreams of mutation.

Sigh.  No, not "of whose existence I am convinced," but "the existence of which I am convinced."  (Altho, frankly, "Which I am convinced truly exists" would go across much better.)

Then again, maybe I'm being too regressive...after all there's long been