Thursday, June 30, 2016

A.I.'s Size-Smitten :(

So as usual, I was again on a Google image search; wanted to find more dresses like this one from San Antonino de Velasco, in Oaxaca (I'm smitten by these):

Pretty straight forward to the human eye, that the focus in this picture is the dress, right?  But A.I., as usual, was not able to prioritize or delineate, so since there's 2/3's background, and only 1/3 dress, Google "brilliantly" chose these images as matching.

Whodda guessed that Google's subject to the same foible as Texans? ;)

[Edit on Aug. 1st, '16:  Google must've been ashamed of my tattling on it, bec. now, the images that showed up originally at that link are totally gone.]