Political correctness is NEVER about equality, or
about equal application of the rules. Political correctness is about advancing ONE political agenda and protecting the sensibilities of ONE side of the equation, not "applying it to all of us."
If you rail about illiterate, shiftless white people on welfare,
that's okay. That's politically correct. If you rail about
illiterate, shiftless NON-white people on welfare, no matter how carefully you back up your assertions with real world facts, that is politically INcorrect and you can expect to be condemned and excoriated.
If you chuckle over the bad pronunciation or accent of someone like, say, former president George W. Bush, that is politically correct. That's okay. If you chuckle over some hip-hop star who talks like he has a mouth full of peanut butter, that is politically INcorrect and you can expect to be condemned and excoriated as racist, racist, racist!
Political correctness is not about being overly sensitive, or about being overly polite, overall, to everyone.
It is about banning simple facts from public discourse because they offend the sensibilities of SOME people, of SPECIAL categories, at the expense of everyone else.
(Chris Tomlin)