Political correctness involves kowtowing and catering to ONE SIDE of the political spectrum and ONE set of political sacred cows. If it were about 'any and all hate speech,' that, at least, would be consistent, fair and honest.
But it isn't.
Politically correct means you can make snarky cracks about Bristol Palin having illegitimate children who she actually supports... but can't talk about the millions of other American women having illegitimate children who end up on taxpayer paid public assistance.
Politically correct means you can slander Christians of any kind, but not say anything unpleasant, however true, about terrorists.
Politically correct means you can call the United States of America a worldwide oppressor, criminal, force for evil, but not point out the good America has done in the world.
Politically correct means you can accuse police of randomly shooting people at will, regardless of how false that accusation is ('hands up don't shoot' anyone?), but not point out that they save MILLIONS of lives by enforcing the law and protecting our neighborhoods.
That is what political correctness is all about. It's about ONE PARTICULAR KIND of politics.
And "hate speech?" Some kinds of hate speech, like the type spewed out by the Southern Poverty Law Center is absolutely, positively politically correct.
That's how political correctness works. (Chris Tomlin)