"Psychologists have tested and long rejected the notion that score differences can be explained simply by biased test questions. It is possible that genetic factors could influence IQ differences among ethnic groups, but many scientists are withholding judgment until DNA studies are able to link specific gene combinations with IQ." (source)
Yet those results will probably never see the light of day, due to the
DNA pioneer Watson set off a firestorm when he claimed, "There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
Or, as a commenter wrote:
"It is not scientists' role to "cherry-pick" what truths to publish or arrive at their answers based on their feelings, biases or political beliefs. They are servants of the truth regardless of how inconvenient those truths may be for themselves or others. They can judge the validity of the proofs but not what truths to censer. Scientists are merely a tool for arriving at an answer NOT judges to decide when to tell us or decide where those answers lead us.
So if the facts show that Negroids are genetically less intelligent, or Caucasians are genetically physically weaker, or Mongoloids are both, it is their duty to report it and let society deal with it. Not bury it or avoid the subject and especially not try to silence someone that has good reason to "rock the boat".
Does anyone think it's just a coincidence that 95% of ALL the inventions, scientific breakthroughs and philosophical schools of thought come from Caucasians, with practically the remaining 5% going to the Mongoloid population and only .5% going to Negroids?
A gutsy Canadian researcher did a fascinating (quickly readable) study that utterly transgresses the Statists' cherished dogma. Perhaps it will be in China that true scientific research on this topic will one day flourish.