In the face of the Jade Helm 15 exercises, many observers claimed that "the guys in the military would never turn on their own fellow citizens."
This puts the lie to that: it shows what happens to those who stand on the Constitution. Add the Military Commissions Act of 2006 to the equation, and you've got martial law waiting to happen. As if that weren't enough, there's this:
By making a few subtle changes to a regulation in the U.S. Code titled “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies”
the military has quietly granted itself the ability to police the
streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a
precedent that has been in place for more than two centuries. (Click here to read the new rule.)
And for those who still think it's all a bunch of alarmist, tinfoil hat hooey, take a gander at this interesting tidbit...