Thursday, May 14, 2015

They CAN'T Be Serious!

When I first read about this, I thought, surely this must be some sort of Onionesque spoof or satire.  But sadly, it's not: the Leftists genuinely believe that reading bedtime stories is discriminatory!  (As an aside, the views on family in this article are equally chilling.  BNW, here we come!  Sadly, this is nothing new, having been attempted by the Marxists and the Brown Shirts in decades past.)  

Of course, this latest outrage is only logical in the Bed Of Procrustes paradigm worshipped by the Leftists:  if the summum bonum is (forced) "equality," then heavens no, we can't have ANY sort of "advantage" gained by parental influence (but of course, one of the underlying motivations here is to make the "disadvantaged" parents look and feel less incompetent---can't in any way allow the impression that in fact, there are genuine differences between