The guy who wrote this is a "Liberal" Jewish psychotherapist (probably no older than his 40's), but notwithstanding, he's got a an intriguing streak of integrity, as shown just in this paragraph alone:
"I imagine I might feel like some liberal US Muslim leader, when he goes on the O’Reilly Show, and O’Reilly ambushes him and demands to know why he and other American Muslims haven’t condemned beheadings by ISIS more, demands that he criticize them right there on live TV. And you can see the wheels in the Muslim leader’s head turning, thinking something like “Okay, obviously beheadings are terrible and I hate them as much as anyone. But you don’t care even the slightest bit about the victims of beheadings [or about Blacks. or Mexicans, or the unemployed]. You’re just looking for a way to score points against me [non-Regressives] so you can embarass all Muslims [non-Regressives]. And I would rather personally behead every single person in the world than give a smug bigot like you a single microgram more stupid self-satisfaction than you’ve already got.”
(Read whole essay here)
PS: No, I am not in the least a sympathizer of the millions of "Silent Majority" Muslims who won't speak out against what the radical party does. The reason the above quoted paragraph is fascinating, is bec. it dissects the exact problem with Regressivism's condescending approach across the board. IOW, the shrink is showing a general template here that applies not just to non-Leftists vs. Muslims (as you can see from my bracketed insertions). The shrink essentially anatomizes Regressivist hypocrisy.