But this so-called "solidarity" shown by Muslims attending Roman Catholic services strikes me as suspicious. Even if the attenders are sincere in their gesture (I'm not convinced they're not paid), the fact remains that this sort of religious syncretism works perfectly in vetting people for the Great Global Gush, aka One World Religion.
The more terrorist violence, blood and gore people across the earth are exposed to (whether directly or thru the media), the more they become afraid, resulting in an eventual willingness to embrace Statism as a "solution" to all the slaughtering (there was a more localized version of this in Germany just before Hitler took power: the Bloodshirts and the Dungshirts were shooting it out on streets and in cafes and restaurants; nobody knew when or where they'd be the next dead man). People will swallow despotism whole for the sake of an illusory peace & security.
I simply do not believe that Islam's expansion is the sole reason for these attacks: even if they are indeed committed by genuine hate-filled zealots, they are being exploited by puppeteers with an even more sordid agenda, that of global idol worship.