"As cube-holders, we identify with the cause of what is right and just.
We are intrinsically motivated with [sic] the cause represented by our
friendship cube movement. Many of us believe in humanism, globalism,
and collectivism. [So much for "what is right and just" {snort}] As activists, we create a positive, meaningful, and
deeply motivational [? do it or die?] culture… a culture that is productive, encouraging,
and enlightened [Uh huh, "enlightened," right: that's why you believe in humanism, globalism & collectivism]. We are known for our friendship cube code…also called
our “code of light”. We create cube habits, cube rituals, and cube
rites of passage." [Sounds like a religion to me...] (Read the whole thing.)
Why did this give me the creeps before I even researched it further? It sounds like fascism in a Santa costume. Then, after I did a bit of digging, my revulsion was exonerated: it is indeed a "subset" of the Masonic version.