So this Rodger guy of S.B. shooting spree fame, he complains about life being "unfair." He drives a BMW and has plenty of money, not a care in the world, and yet he's bellyaching about life being "unfair."
{snort} Don't make me laugh, fella: if you want to experience the unfairness of life, try living with a bizarre illness from the age of 25 on (an illness moreover that has no medical justification) and then getting multiple cancer almost 34 years later on top of it. The person I'm alluding to was also rejected by peers (not just the opposite sex) most of their first 18 years of life, plus at age 6 endured the divorce of their parents.
And yet, it would have NEVER crossed that person's mind to harm, much less kill, anybody. Instead, this person channeled all the frustration, anger and hurt into being creative and becoming educated.
But then, poverty teaches you a lot, and this person experienced that all thru life.