Thursday, October 17, 2013

MTM Variation

"No matter how abhorrent you find it, taking up the anti-abortion crusade is somewhat suicidal, but it takes foresight to realize this." * Takes even more foresight to recognize that when millions of babies are aborted, there's a collective suicide happening right there.

"If your example is worth much, then others may be influenced to do it your way. Forced behavior is not always the best approach."*  Let's apply that principle across the board, shall we?  Let's no longer stigmatize, prosecute or punish murderers, rapists, pedophiles, crooked IRS agents, lying presidents, etc.  Let those who don't believe in those behaviors simply "provide a good example."

Wow, have you noticed how well that works in the history of man?  So effectively that the abusers end up slaughtering off (either literally or in some slightly less terminal way, i.e. no promotion; or firing; or blackballing; or gulaging, etc.) those who provide the good example. 

Which is why we have so many abusers of various stripes in power on various levels, all the way from your office supervisor to the guy in the Black House.  "Might makes right."  Survival of the most vicious.  SOB's rule. 

Darwinism at its "best."

And hey, speaking of which, if we start presuming we know whose life is worthy of being allowed to come to term and whose is not, that opens the door to all kinds of arbitrary weeding out, doesn't it?  All those who, say, are libertarians:  all their unborn infants would be forcibly terminated (assuming they hadn't already done us the favor of voluntarily annihilating their offspring in the womb).  We can't, after all, tolerate a bunch of seditionists proliferating (no pun intended) and opposing our Nanny State agenda, can we.  Man must after all maintain his glorious ascent up the evolutionary ladder (Teilhardism, our salvation, amen).

Perhaps there exists a concealed explanation for certain people's insistence that abortion should not be outlawed, a deep-structure motivation if you will:  might they harbor a subconscious wish that their mother had aborted them?  Might their "laissez-faireism" in regards to prenatal infanticide actually constitute a camouflaged retroactive death wish?
*It's conceivable that this sort of "rationale" might come across a smidgeon less disingenuous if those who advocate it weren't the types whose promiscuity is so often at fault for the abortion being deemed "necessary" in the first place.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Obviously Another MTM Disciple

MTMers are in the same category as those who've not outgrown their belief in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

"My daughter is not in her bed this morning. She's only 7.... Oh my God! . . . Oh my God! . . . Oh my God!" says a panicky Van Dam as she gasped for breath.
"Take a deep breath, OK?" says the 911 operator. "Think confident thoughts and everything will be OK." (my emphasis)

As we all know, little Danielle Van Dam was anything but "OK." 

And since when does the 911 operator job description include dispensing bromides? 

With Which I Am Fed Up

For the past maybe 3 years, at forums, blogs and in essays, I keep seeing "of which" used in the most inane ways. Latest example: "school (of which I attended many years back)."

What is it with stupid memes proliferating? Do these people even minimally think about what they're writing?!? How does "of" make even one microbe of sense there?!

The school of which you write obviously didn't teach you well. {snarl}

No, it is not OC to fume about this sort of thing (tiny details can
reveal a lot), because these fatuous memes are symbolic of something much larger, that is, a populace so dumb that they do things like vote for an Obarfma. This kind of idiocy is symptomatic of a severely ill society/body politic.

And while we're at it, the expression is not "different to" (they're
obviously confusing this with "similar to"), but rather "different
FROM"! I even heard an unctious commentator on a BBC documentary make this mistake!

WHERE are the editors?!?!