Saturday, April 30, 2016

Leftists Love Word Games

AKA twisting terms to suit their agenda.

"There is no inconsistency between defending our culture from the latest sexual 'reform' and loving our neighbors. It is compassionate to women and children to argue that governments and businesses shouldn’t render them more vulnerable to sexual predators. And if you believe the words of the Bible, there is nothing compassionate about acquiescing to the latest cultural demand to normalize immoral and troubled behavior. Yes, transgender men and women need the love of Jesus, but if by our words or deeds we contribute to the notion that their 'transitions' are perfectly acceptable, we’re contributing to their own tragic self-mutilation."  (source)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Corporations: Government's Handmaidens

Ike famously (and presciently) warned of the conglomerate of government-military-corporations.  Little did he realize how far reaching that threat would become:  the corporations do the government's work for free!  I'm referring to the many companies who are boycotting NC for its courageous stand against the sodomite scourge.  You just can't make this stuff up!  SMH

Still Bellyaching, 150+ Years Later

Continuing to harp on "White guilt" is a well-planned racist strategy that has shut the mouths of the politically correct, along with the global apology tour.  We should all be outraged at this racist strategy being used by Obama and his corrupt Communist machine. Most every race of people were at one time or another slaves--the Jews were slaves of Egypt for over 400 years, and Rome conquered the Jews and drove them out of their country, renaming it "Palestine" after the Philistine people. Black countrymen in Africa sold their black brothers and sisters to slave traders-- but nobody ever brings that up. If every nation went out their slave masters from hundreds of years ago, then every nation would be at war. Get over it. Stop using it as a crutch to justify failures. Get off the dole and pity party. Become all that you can be, and stop listening to those that would convince you that you're a loser. No one can make you a loser unless you give them permission.  (Dawn Black)