Thursday, October 29, 2015

More Edible Looking Ones...

This one's called Chromodoris Kuniei.

Looks Good Enough To Eat!

Imagine making a lowly sea slug to look like an exquisite piece of pastry!  This is Helgerda Tessellata.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

They'd Be Apoplectic!

Can you imagine this happening in the U.S.?  The NannyStaters would be going ballistic!

Not a Romney fan, here, but the principle this illustrates is spot on!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Another Healing Weed

So, we all know about medical maryjane, but who'd have thought that something as lowly (and pesky) as the dandelion just might help with certain types of blood cancer?  (source)


Rubble Heap

Sometimes, ya just feel like scree.

Another Spoiled Brat

The Oregon shooter was nothing but an "Indigo child." 

" 'He goes through the list of what he doesn't have'...No job, no life, no success." (source Awe, gee, poor fella:  there're only billions of other people on the planet in the same boat---and for centuries, no less...