Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hide-N-Seek Solitaire

From a long time ago:

So, [name withheld], how long can a man continue to exist on a fictitious identity, hmmnn? No, I'm not referring to a legal fictitious identity, but a socio-psychological one. How long can you keep running from yourself by playing the mirror-n-chameleon game?

Friday, September 25, 2015

And Yet Sodomy Gets Promoted By Law

I have been an avid walker for decades, but this is preposterous:

"On September 15, the US Surgeon General issued a new nationwide call to action:  Walk more!...The call to "Step it Up" recognizes the responsibility of urban and city developers, urging communities to promote and design walk-friendly neighborhoods. In all, the five strategic goals presented by the Surgeon General include:
  1. Make walking a national priority [????]
  2. Design communities that make it safe and easy to walk for people of all ages and abilities. [This type of community depends on not having gov't. funded housing.  Oh, the irony!]
  3. Promote programs and policies to support walking where people live, learn, work, and play.
  4. Provide information to encourage walking and improve walkability.  ["Improve walkability"?  You mean better sidewalks?  More parks?  Or is this aimed at yet more interference in our health "care"?]
  5. Fill surveillance [?????], research, and evaluation gaps related to walking and walkability.
The Surgeon General even offers a playlist on Pandora  to listen to during your walks, if you don't already have some favorite music to inspire you to get moving. [Is this a joke?  People ostensibly aren't even able to choose their own music or lectures anymore?  Can you BELIEEEEEVE the extent of patronizing and infantilization this administration practices toward us?!?!?!]"   (source)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Not Convincing, Dear Chap!

Bertrand Russell wrote "Why I Am Not A Christian." I've been asked why I am. Let me tell you why I am NOT an atheist (or "agnostic"). It's these beliefs of theirs that make zero sense to me:

-Despite the fact that everything in the universe is contingent…the universe came from “nothing.”

-Despite the fine-tuning of the universe…there was no “fine-tuner.”

-Despite the fact the universe is governed by laws…there was no “law giver.”

-Despite the fact that life contains design…it’s not REALLY design…only the “appearance” of design.

-Despite the fact that there is the “appearance” of design…there was no “designer.”

-Despite the fact that there is information…it’s not really information.

-Despite the fact there is something that strongly resembles and functions as information…there was no intelligent source from which this “information” originated from.

-Despite the fact we are utilizing OUR intelligence to process the information we gather…there is still no intelligent source from which we are gathering.

-Despite the fact that we are advancing OUR OWN intelligence by laboriously studying the information we gather… still…there is no intelligent source from which this information is rooted.

-Despite the fact that we have complex minds…there was no mind behind the universe.

-Despite the fact that we are rational…the universe is void of a rational mind-like source.

-Despite the fact there is such a thing as logic…again…there is no source of logic.

-Despite the fact that we experience moral obligation…there is no objective reference point to base morality on.

-Despite the fact that we humans recognize some things to be wrong no matter the circumstance…morality is subjective.

-Despite the fact that we humans long for and desperately attempt to infuse meaning into our lives…there is no meaning behind our existence.

-Despite the fact that we humans desperately seek purpose for our lives…there is no purpose behind our existence.

-Despite all of the aforementioned metaphysical attributes…the universe is completely void of said attributes and lacks a first cause that conceptualized them, provided the capacity for them to exist and lacks anything that anchors them or renders them intelligible.

Seems to me you have to have a COLOSSAL amount of faith to be an atheist/agnostic.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sound Familiar?

This is a bit of a continuation of the previous blog entry:

"At first it didn't bother me that I was dumping these bodies into the ocean because as far as I was concerned they were war prisoners," Mr. Scilingo said in the interview.

"There were men and women, and I had no idea who they were or what they had done. I was following orders. I did not get too close to the prisoners, and they had no idea what was going to happen to them."  (whole article)  

Deja vu:  "Orders are orders.  Heil Hitler!"

Oh, Such Angels!

Of death, that is.  We hear about all the grisly atrocities committed by the SS, but is this sort of thing any different?

And if you think "that's old hat; we left there in '75," then consider this.

Man is an endlessly evil beast.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Political "Tiger's Milk" ;)

If you're a fellow satireholic, then by all means check out this delectable site (here I'm providing just a taste of all the goodies you can find there).  Also, be sure to take a gander at their hilarious posters!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Who Debunks The Debunkers?

Whenever I post or resend something, I try to be as accurate as possible, so I've at times gone to Snopes. But every once in a while, in the back of my mind, I'd think, "How do I know Snopes doesn't have an agenda?" After all, who controls the controllers? Well, believe it or not, Soros does! (Should've KNOWN my intuition making soft noises was right yet again!) Read all about it here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Something We Haven't Heard About

At present, the PTB would have us believe Iran is the Great Satan.  But my previous blog entry ferretings caused me to stumble on something utterly amazing...

Just Imagine for a Moment...

...if this sort of thing were to happen with, say, Auschwitz or Treblinka.  But of course, seeing that "nobody but [multi-millions of] 'ignorant, obscurantist' Russian peasants" was killed by the Abomination of Desolation (aka the Bolshevik Slaughtering Machine), it's OK to just run roughshod over the former sites.  After all, the perpetrators of the Great Cheka Slaughter were from the same crew that ended up in the KZ crematoria, so whatever THEY did is sacrosanct, and not subject to the same scrutiny or censure as normal mortals' actions.  ~~Selah~~