Monday, September 26, 2011

Marine Poison

No, this isn't about some jarhead.  It's about fatuous legislation.

Someone I know recently bought some Solaray Kidney tabs.  For the first time ever, the container had a huge tag hanging around its neck shouting "California Proposition 65."  A lot of head scratching as to how a bunch of harmless herbs suddenly have become "toxic."  Turns out, kelp is the culprit:  it contains natural sub-microscopic amounts.

Just imagine:  for millennia, the various fauna that nibble on kelp have been exposed to ARRRRGHsenic!!!
Water they going to do to that they KNOW about the unmentionable?  Will our dear Barry have to start a whole new agency, "Kelp-Eaters Ministry of Defence"?

Take That, Pinkos!

The Reds like to boast that they were the ones who birthed workers' rights and unions.  Another one of their lies.  There was a Protestant-based union (which started out as more of a guild) that long preceded the pinko unions.  The KoL expressly rejected Socialism and radicalism, as well as strikes.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Missed Opportunity, LOL!

Comment re SW power outage:  "It should have remained inoperative and allow[ed] all the greenies to try sticks for fire creation so as to cook and stay warm. Practical experience in living often leads to changes in radical thinking."

Agreed (except for the suffering of all the other, sensible, non-Greenist citizens).

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Better To Enslave you, Dearie...

Threat of a dirty bomb in NYC garnered this comment. “I mean, it’s been how long since 9/11? So we kind of get used to having the security around." That attitude is precisely what they're grooming you for:  multiply it across the Land of the (Once) Free, and you can kiss the last vestiges of the Constitution good-bye.